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금요일, 9월 16, 2005

xiaxue VS Thomas

Final round... FIGHT!!!

More details are set to be released soon... hehehe...


목요일, 8월 18, 2005

I need everybody's help. I'm currently in a writer's block syndrome and no matter how many pills I choke myself with will not help me at all. I'm sitting here, all blanked out. Totally wordless in my mind. Suddenly, I felt that my fingers are creaking. And my mind's very distracted (I've no idea what are they).

It's been a fortnight of sleepy days and also a long hiatus since I picked myself up to blog. And honestly, I have nothing. Nothing to blog about. You see, when things are going rough and when sorrows are creeping on to me, I'm full with words and I can even write paragraphs after paragraphs of complains and curses on every corner of this tiny little place of mine. However, peace times are what I view as times that I'll never grow. Seriously, I would rather like to have a more advanturous times outside than to stay in this stupid army barrack with four walls injecting rust into my mind through osmosis. But with a slight distress or a slight agonizing moments (of course with a happy ending) would be good to make my day. And if so, I'll be wordy to put my thoughts and make this blog a little more interesting.

You guys may think I'm a masochist. No. I won't consider myself one. I don't pretty much enjoy pain like some psychopathic idiots, who tore their flesh or burn themselves as human sacrifice. And they go - Eeerrr... ooohh... errr... aww.. thinking their god will save them in their self-created sufferings.

I'm not a sadist either. Maybe if I'm mad to a certain level, I would be perceived as one. However, deep down, I know there's still an angel within that'll stop my murderous mind from shoving a tampon up one's ass (with my hands of course.. I don't have a pussy).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for trouble to make my day. I'm just bored. BORED. And this feelings sucks. I wanna get things done. And I'm the kind of person who hates idling around waiting for a fly to pee on my face. If that is so, I'd get up and do something about it. But what the heck? I'm stuck in this damn barrack where everything here is all third-grade. I repeat - THIRD-GRADE. To all those S.A.F. regulars or personnels, if you disagree with me here, please FUCK OFF. A blog is a blog. It's a place where I'm not telling it straight to your face, so if there're anything offensive you wanna settle, don't. These are my feelings. Deal with it, don't deal with me. Otherwise, stop coming to my blog and stalk me please.

And also, regarding my previous entries, if anyone of you have a problem with it and thinking of spreading the news. Go ahead. But let me first explain to all of you: - This blog is a blog all about me, my thoughts, my emotions and my heaven. If anyone of you has a problem with any of the four discribed here, I suggest that you fuck off as well and doesn't matter of me losing readers. Obviously, I don't care about that at all! I just wanted a place to write my feelings and to ease every pain I have within me. And don't tell me to bottle myself up otherwise I'll explode and that would certainly kill you, I'm sure.

Honestly, I'm not really as bad as you think. Maybe just a little egotistical, or perhaps, sarcastic. My humours may be unique, or perhaps, a bit arrogant. That's just me. And I'm not changing my style nor myself to please everyone that steps into my Bardic Circle. If you have a problem, please don't create any troubles here. If you wanna enjoy this place and maybe have some laughs at times, make yourself at home. Go get some sip of vodka while surfing this site.

Well now, anybody can get fed up about my writing or about my opinions. But that's just me and if you wanna kill me, go ahead. I'll be back to haunt you. Nah... just kidding. Just don't come in. I don't wanna see you either.

For my readers who continues reading my writings and catching up with what's been going on in my life, I love you guyz.. You guyz are my friends, whether I know you or not, I'll be glad to meet you up in future given any chance at all. You are the ones who understands me and don't mind spending some time understanding every word from my heart. I LOVE YOU peeps.

Alright now, time-out for craps, I shall return next time with better entries. Till then, seeya!


금요일, 8월 12, 2005

Yay! Finally national day is over! I've always waited for that damn day to pass me by. Why? Because I needn't have to do my stupid army duty on that day. And all my duties are finished! YEeEeEeSsS!!!

Okie... besides those shitty duties of packing stores and going home late, I got the best view of the fireworks and took some "interesting pictures" over at the back scene. Don't bug me about the main scene cos if I go in there myself, I'll be the first to be questioned by the colonels and majors.. >_<

Alright, here are some pictures and their caption lines! Check it out..

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Someone shot an "arrow" into the sky! I managed to take this picture at the right angle cos it was moving really fast...

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Paratroopers are now floating in the cloudless evening sky. Oh please, their planes have just crashed and they're the evacuated ones.. -_-

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Before that, their planes were flying mightily in the sky. Beautiful sight! But then... haiz... See what happens in the next scene below...

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Texas! We've got a problem! Plane is crashing down the Padang! Good? or Bad? Good, it kills all ugly Singaporeans and burn the ministers. Bad, it takes away innocent lives as well! Hurry! I need... NOOOooo!! *!!!KAH BOOM!!!*

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TeeT! TeeT! Peedeedbeep! Yo people, give way to us please, we have to go clear the wreckage of the fallen planes that crashed into the damn padang! At the same time, you guyz can watch the damn parade performance of soldiers rescueing soldiers.

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Give way please! And stop taking pictures of us, that moron in white! Take pictures of those dead bodies instead! We have some job to do here!

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And of course, we need to build a bridge too, to send the dead ministers and their ugly people into the next world.. out of the padang into St. Andrew's Cathedral. Work on it guys! U guyz are doing a great job here! *Salute*

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Oh, yes! We need a ship too, which can also, go on 4 wheels on land. A ship to send those dead to Pulau Blakan Mati.

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This is the mighty tank of the S.A.F. It looks so different from the europeans ones. But anyway... it's on it's way to guard the padang. It'll shoot anyone with blanks who misbehaves during this dead body collection duty.

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It's getting late, and all the officers and all the king's men, cannot be able to find the damn padang... what the hell? Retreat!!! We'll find another Humpty Dumpty to rule this island once more! Rejoice!

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Everyone started retreating back to their army bunks.. What a day.

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As the army's retreating, they got fed up with the people not giving way, so they decided to squash them under their tracks. Look! The people are now afraid! They're running away! hahahaha...

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Another angle taken of the cowards...

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The streets are really chaotic now... Singaporeans running everywhere. There is gonna be a civil war soon! Army VS People

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Alright, and since they're gonna die anyway without any armed weapons, the people must as well walk and get prepared to get shot in their ass.

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Yea. The crowd has died down. Many were killed in this parade. And National Day has just been over...

With condolences for the loss of many lives... both innocent and guilty, I sent my sweet sadness and my heart goes out to u guyz...


*The End*

Here're the fireworks of the celebration!
First Wave
Second Wave
Last Wave



월요일, 8월 08, 2005

Everybody's so excited about the National Day tomorrow. But I'm not. See, another anti-patriot. Shoot me then! >_<

Anyway, I started detesting National Day ever since I had to do all those shit and stuff preparing for this big event. God knows how tired and worn out I have become since then. And if you were me, you'll feel that way as well. I'll pardon you guyz for not understanding me well enough.

The consolation to this is that I'll be taking day offs all the way to Sunday night.. which is.. a long vacation! Along with my body check up the following Monday, this month is sure gonna be a relaxing one for me.

Everybody in camp is now in an ORD mood as we are looking forward to clearing our leaves and offs as soon as possible. Come december, I'm gonna kiss Jurong Camp goodbye and show that damn place my ass before I leave with bliss.. and still, an anti-patriot of course.

Alright now... enough of ranting. And by the way, since poly days my classmates and I have always joked about designing a t-shirt of our own and here's one of our samples, or should I say... MY idea of design. Hehehe... for the fun of it though. Here you go.



Looks pretty cool huh? Hehe... Auction price: Not for Sale! For V.I.P.s only. Hahaha...


토요일, 7월 30, 2005

Holy Ghost! Surprised of me being here? Alright, I'll come straight to the point. I smoked out today for my NDP duties and more...

I've had a busy week. So busy that I can't get a single chance to blog here. Plus, I'm now a Maple Adict. Help! hehe...

Great, I forgot to put up some pictures I've taken during the national day rehearsal last week. Don't get me wrong, peeps. I'm supposed to help out in the military side distributing stores and rations to my comrades on duty. And I'll never, hear me, NEVER participate in NDP in future. This is my first and last time serving in this bloody cold shit!

Alright, here are the pictures.

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To all foreign viewers, don't get distracted by those hot Singaporean girls here. Look around... it's all a facade!

To all local civilians, are you sure you are THAT patriotic??


화요일, 7월 19, 2005

Stole this from Timothy's blog. *Laugh My Ass Out*

Tries to run fast but not fit enough
Gets pushed out of planes but dunno how to use parachute
Obeys orders immediately
Driven to work in Mercs and BMWs by Mum and Dad
Forced to give USMS suggestions
Always kena arrow to do everything
Treated like a slave and paid like one

Lance Corporal and Corporal
Runs fast but never fast enough
Pushes Privates out of planes and wait for their turn to be pushed
Obeys orders after some protesting
Drives WRXes and EVOs to work (paid by F&M finances)
Forces Privates to give USMS suggestions
Gives most minor arrows to Privates but swallows major ones
Treated like a slave but paid better than one

Can run fast but must slow down for Recruits and Privates
Pushes Corporals and below out of planes before jumping out themselves
Obeys orders but tries to cut corners
Takes bus and MRT to work (stay-in what)
Tasked to come up with 50 USMS suggestions (regardless of how they do it)
Takes arrows with much protest but "sub-contracts" to Corporal and below
Works like a foreman and paid like one

2nd Lieutenant
Runs faster than a speeding bullet
Jumps out of planes without a parachute on!
Obeys orders immediately
Rides on motorcycles to work
Involved actively in WITS activities
Always kena arrow to be secetary at meetings
Overworked and underpaid

Slightly slower than a speeding bullet
Jumps out of planes with a parachute on
Obeys orders with a slight delay
Drives a second-hand Mazda 323 to work
Organises WITS activities
Always kena arrow to be secetary at meetings when 2nd Lieutenant is not around
Overworked and underpaid

Runs when he sees a speeding bullet
Jumps out of planes with 2 parachutes
Obeys orders after breakfast and newspaper
Drives a first-hand Mazda 323 (SAF veh loan) to work
Facilitates WITS activities
Arrows 2nd Lieutenant/Lieutenant to be secetary for meetings
Underworked and overpaid

Runs slightly faster than an empty cartridge
Jumps out of planes on the runway
Obeys orders after several questions
Drives a brand new Honda Accord to work
Drives everybody out of their WITS
Tells the Captain to arrow 2nd Lieutenant/Lieutenant to be secetary for meetings
Seldom works but always paid

Exempted from running and IPPT
Exempted from broad jump and IPPT
Issues orders but doesnt obey them
Exempted from driving
Exempted from WITS activities
Couldn't care less who the secetary is
Creates work and gets paid

Jogs occasionally when he feels like it
Issues orders and people jump
Orders lunch and dinner through PA
Practises driving on the golf course
Opens WITS exhibitions
Doesnt even know if the gathering is a meeting or not
Watches people work and gets paid


Thank Goodness! I thought we were to be working till very late tonight! Fortunately, there aren't much left to pack at the warehouse. In fact, tomorrow, as what I presume, will be hell for all of us.

We are packing fun packs for the people attending the National Day Parade. And this isn't a big joke. There're thousands and thousands of them. Bravo company had been doing this for a couple of weeks already, and now, it's our turn to assist them since they are now lacking in manpower. The biggest joke is that they kept us waiting before allowing us to be dismissed back to our company line to call it a day. Seriously, any military that has so many regimental rules shall never, I shall repeat, NEVER succeed in anything. But, that is not my business.

I'm now left with a few more months before getting out of the army. I'm planning to get a damn job soon, and who cares about this national thingy..? I'm not a god damn patriot. I'm a family man. That's why, getting more than enough for my family is my very top priority.

Well... seems like my entire week is bound to doing this shit at the damn warehouse...

Somebody please rescue me!! This shit sux!


일요일, 7월 17, 2005

It has been a long day for me. Right now, it's already Sunday, but my day continues. I just returned home shortly about an hour ago. And now I'm sitting here telling my grand saga. Hehehe...

Well, if you must know where I've been up to these few weeks, and why am I not been blogging, I suggest you look at the date of the entries. National Day is around the corner. And since I'm in the army now, we've got lots of work to do!

Last few weeks, we had our ticketing session, which was just simply giving out tickets to those who have won them. Those days were over. Last week, several of us including me were all stationed at the car park to do some marshalling. It was horrible. The smell of smoke coming out of the vehicles, dust from the humid carpark, and the heat of the sun made our day very uncomfortable. At the end of the day, which took us about twelve hours, I developed a terrible sore throat and cough. Days later, an acute pain in the chest.

Hence, I asked for a change in vocation. Or should I call it a job instead. Job sucks, but vocations have purposes. That's the difference. What happened was my superior put me in charge of store with some of the few guys I knew. And as far as what I've heard from them, their job sucks pretty much as they have lots of things to do and stuffs to carry about. Comparing with the time they get to go back home, they're what I call, the "First to come in, last to get out" kinds. I hope you understand now. My mood was dampened completely after hearing such remarks. Well, there and then, I some how regreted for being such a big-mouth in that, I should kept my bloody mouth shut instead!

Yesterday morning, I woke up really early. I guess this was the earliest time I've ever waken up for such non-sensical event. The first thing on my mind when I woke up was, "Damn! I hate this day! This event really sucks. NDP sucks big time!!!". I left the house after breakfast and the same lines were hovering in my empty mind during the bus and train ride to my destination, which includes, "Army is Boy Scout. We're nothing but a Boy Scout! Fuck this nation man!". Alright, I was vulgar; I was upset; and I was such a big critic of the day! Nevertheless, I still prayed for things to get better.

When I arrived there, it started to rain heavily. So everyone of us took cover in the nearby underpass. Good gracious! I was hoping it'll rain all day and the performances cancelled. I loitered around with them for a while before heading off to buy some additional breakfast... or should I call it High Tea. I was thinking miserably to myself, "Damn it, that's it! My entire day is wasted.". Hahaha... and just as I was eating, the rain simmered down. BACK TO WORK!!!!!

Well, the day wasn't that bad as I thought. Wait a minute, since when did I ever became so positive now? Hehehe... I must say that all those while, when I was busy complaining, something inside of me, or should I perceive it as the Holy Spirit, kept prompting me that I need to have a good attitude today to get ahead well. It wasn't so bad as what I imagined it was to be. My prayer was beginning to be answered.

There wasn't so much of tasks to be done today. Except for lunch and dinner time, when we have to send out the rations to a specific location some distance away. And the rations' heaviness weren't what I thought they were to be that heavy! They were just fine for me to do some little training for my arms! Hehehe...

Well, at first, they were heavy. And while I was carrying it along with me during the long walk to our destination, I was busy asking my colleagues of where were we taking these rations to. I got no reply. Maybe their minds were shagged out too, and couldn't think properly. But I needed so much to know my destination! Without knowing where I was heading to, I would get tired with carrying those stuffs! Something striked me at that point in time. It reminded me that I needed to have a purpose in life. All of us need to have a vision. If our destination is unclear and we can't see properly of where we are heading, then all that we are doing is in vain. We'll get exhausted easily and frustrated. I thanked God for this revelation!

In between, we have hours of breaks, so we chose the underpass as our secret hiding place, where we can smoke out of those unnecessary tasks. Some of us around there would go into malls to have a walk or just sit around and take light naps. Hahaha... that's army life. We'll sleep whenever we get the chance. All the while, I was counting down on the number of hours left before we finally knock off from that place. Even five hours before knocking off, I would gladly announce this to my colleagues working with me. And seeing the happy face of mine while doing the announcement, they were freaking out. Hahaha...

During the end of the rehearsal, there were fireworks and a few of us rushed our way to the top of the underpass to view the magnificent sight of them. I took some pictures but they donn't look good. So I video shot them and place it here so all you can click to view it.

Night. Everyone has gone home. We're the last group to be going. Surprisingly, after helping out in a few stores and keeping the equipment, the five of us were told to go home. Great! What a day. I can look forward to a nice supper back home already. Praise God! What a wonderful day I had today. Trust and obey the Holy Spirit. For He will change the course of your day... and even, life.

These are fireworks from the scene I took with my handphone's video camera: -
1st Wave

2nd Wave


A Word of Caution!

If your skin is so damn bloody thin like an egg membrane, I suggest you get out of this fuckin' place!

But, if you are staying, I presume that you're not one of those sissies. Alright, title says it all. This is a place I vent all my frustrations and disagreement.

Besides, it contains a bit of my taboo criticisms. Obviously, this isn't a place for any Tom, Dick or Harry with a weak heart.


Mouths that speak lies; Betrayers; Back-stabbers; Indecisive Personality

Things That Make Me Angry

When others aren't being serious with me when I'm serious with them; When others offended me (it takes quite a skill to really offend me); When others don't mean what they say and don't keep promises

What I Hate or Against

Abortion; Divorce; Smoking